Hawke & Co is excited to announce our participation in I Am Michael, a film directed by Justin Kelly and starring James Franco, Zachary Quinto and Emma Roberts.
I Am Michael is based on Benoit Denizet-Lewis' New York Times Magazine article "My Ex-Gay Friend." Where Franco plays Michael Glatze, a gay activist who denounces homosexuality and becomes a Christian pastor. The film touches on many subjects from family, identity crisis, love, and self-discovery.
We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to outfit several of the leads in the film with Hawke & Co jackets (images below) as well as outfit Justin for his press junkets while at Sundance.
Justin Kelly made his directorial debut with I Am Michael this past Thursday when his film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Despite his busy schedule, grueling long days of interviews and panel discussions, Justin was gracious enough to hold a photo shoot for Hawke & Co while at Sundance.
Being able to outfit these stars was a big move for our rapidly growing brand and we are also excited to share that this is only the beginning. Though we can’t release our next film that we’re in just yet, we will hint that the man you’ll see wearing Hawke & Co won an Academy Award in 2002.